About Us

We are a friendly group of individuals who enjoy a diverse range of model train related activities in various gauges. The Club owns several layouts which are permanently available to members at our exclusive premises at the United Reform Church, Drybrook Road, Drybrook, where meetings take place on Monday 19.30 until 21.30 and Friday evenings from 19.30 to 21:30.  Potential new members are always welcome to come along and see what we offer for themselves! The club rooms are located in the United Reform Church in Drybrook.

A view of the club rooms on club night Membership is open to Railway Modellers (or those wanting to become one). Our current membership covers from the novice to modellers with many years experience. Individuals of any sex, ethnic origin or age group are welcome. We currently have members ranging from teenagers to pensioners from various walks of life. Younger members must have a responsible person to accompany them on Club nights and other Club related activities.

At present we have Garden, O, OO and N gauge layouts in various states of completion. All members are encouraged to contribute their skills to the on-going tasks needed to complete layouts. Tasks include elements of carpentry, electrical wiring, scenery and building construction. Members enjoy operating their own stock on the Club layouts. Skills are shared for the mutual benefit of all members. The layouts occasionally feature at model railway exhibitions. Members working on a current project.

Exhibiting at local model railway exhibitions The club also organizes a Model Railway Exhibition at the end of September each year.
There is a modest annual membership subscription fee of £40.00 for adult members and £16.00 for junior members plus an attendance contribution of £2.00 and junior members £1.00 per week, which includes tea and coffee!   If you would like any further information about the club and it’s activities, please contact us here, and we will endeavor to answer your queries as soon as possible.